Strike Calculator

Please select your Union, your Employee type and your Local if applicable, and enter the information in the next fields to calculate your lost wages and how long it's goint to take to get back that money.
Please enter your Hourly Pay rate.
Please enter your Weekly Hours.
Please enter your Weekly Work Days.
Please enter the Number of Weeks on Strike.

If you are not paid by the hour or do not know your average hourly rate of pay, then click here to use our Pay Rate Calculator. It will work for commissions, annual salary, monthly, etc.

Accuracy of Information and Disclaimer: We do our best to ensure that the information used by this calculator is accurate, up to date, and complete. Please note that the information is difficult to obtain due to the lack of readily available data on union websites about their dues and strike pay. As a result, our information is sourced from unionized workers, internet chat rooms, libraries, the internet and labour lawyers. We make no representations whatsoever that the information is accurate, reliable or up to date and accept no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage caused by reliance on the information.